Military-Civilian Time Conversion Chart

Military = Civilian

	0001 = 12:01 am 	1300 = 1:00 pm  
 	0100 = 1:00 am 		1400 = 2:00 pm  
 	0200 = 2:00 am 		1500 = 3:00 pm  
 	0300 = 3:00 am 		1600 = 4:00 pm  
 	0400 = 4:00 am 		1700 = 5:00 pm  
 	0500 = 5:00 am 		1800 = 6:00 pm  
 	0600 = 6:00 am 		1900 = 7:00 pm  
 	0700 = 7:00 am 		2000 = 8:00 pm  
 	0800 = 8:00 am 		2100 = 9:00 pm  
 	0900 = 9:00 am 		2200 = 10:00 pm  
 	1000 = 10:00 am 	2300 = 11:00 pm  
 	1100 = 11:00 am 	2400 = 12 Midnight  
 	1200 = Noon 

Using Military time, the day is divided into 24 hours and all numbers
higher than 1200 constitute PM except 2400 which is midnight